Saturday, December 29, 2012

#theblanketproject 2012

hello and assalamualaikum..this time i would like to write and share about my experience organizing a charity program #theblanketproject.

idea ni datang lepas sy join #foodforhomeless (which i found out bout it in twitter). program tu was on the 1st december 2012. utk program tu sy tolong hariz kumpul baju2 mase distribution barang2 pada homeless people tu, sy terfikir mcm mana these people can stand the cold nights, especially time hujan coz mase tu mmg musim hujan pon..

so after i got back home that night, i kept on thinking on how to help this people to keep them warm at night and terkeluarla idea ni..i told my friends who joined #foodforhomeless tu, mady and wani bout my idea and they agree to do this together...

so bermulalah usaha kami untuk mendapatkan selimut2, sweater dan baju2 lelaki yg terpakai untuk diagih2kan kepada homeless kt KL nanti..since that was our 1st project,sy betul2 blur mcm mana nk we use twitter and facebook as medium to spread the words. mula2 takde respond sgt kitorg dpt..however, slowly we gained support and contribution from a lot of people..we managed to collect lots of baju2 tu semua..ada jugak yang dermakan duit since we need money to order food and to buy some stuff mcm biskut, air mineral, dental travel kit and sabun mandi..and barang2 tu sume dikumpulkan kt rumah mady kt batu caves.

barang-barang donation
sy memberanikan diri untuk tweet Mydin Malaysia on the 8th december regarding this project. the next day, tak disangka2 Miss Kasturi Ganapathy dr Mydin sent me an email, giving me her phone num and ask me to call her..'this is a very2 good progress'..i told that to myself..yes, im kinda nervous, excited, takut..semua adalah coz since im jz a 'young grown up kid'(haha..sangatlaaa)..i dont expect to deal with people from companies and all..

thank you very much Mydin Malaysia!!
the next day, i received call from miss kasturi and she was very excited to hear bout this project and she said that she'll try to get some stuff to be given away..on the 22nd of dec, i received a phone call again, miss kasturi ckp 'da approved'..i was like YEAYYYYYY!! i went to Mydin HQ in subang to collect the stuff there..

we ordered mihun goreng from kak aza for 50pax (eventhough our target is actually about 60 homeless)..budget lebih kurang rm10 untuk sorg homeless :

- food : rm2.50/pax
- biskut : rm 3.30/pax
- air mineral : rm0.49/pax
- sabun : rm0.80+/pax
- dental travel kit : rm4.20/pax

kitorg ade few problems and issue la at first..mcm brape agak2 homeless yg akan ada mlm tu nti, siapa nk jadi volunteer cz people kejap join, kejap tarik diri..n mcm2 hal alhamdulillah, semua tu dpt settle nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kpd mady n wani sbgai organizer bersame..para penderma barang n duit,Mr Abu yg dtg bwk brg2 dr Sabah,Mydin Malaysia,para volunteers yg terdiri dpd staff IJN, hariz from #foodforhomeless, UiTM students, UM student, pelakon Zizan Nin n geng, cikgu/tutor, dan semua la yg terlibat..

oh encik zizan yg kachak

encik zizan baru lepas habis shooting terus datang :)
28th december,malam tu kitorg packing barang2 before gerak dr umah mady to our 1st location, Masjid Negara. kt situ Zizan Nin n geng and few uitm students da tunggu kitorg...since DBKL baru lepas buat rush, xramai homeless yg tinggal..dapatla kami bg makanan, baju, blanket semua kt diorang..

everyone has their own dont judge them
menyelusuri lorong2 yg kotor dan busuk untuk berbakti kpd golongan yg selalu dilupakan..


i hope the blankets can keep u guys warm at nite

sume org bawak kotak..nape aku sorg dok melenggang..haha
sleep tight..sweet dreams..tq MYDIN for giving me the blanket :)

1 of our volunteers

coco and the heroes :)

rehat kejappp

si cantik di KL

volunteers cari homeless kt jejantas

this is so sad :(
then kitorg pon gerak pegi menara maybank and pudu..sini sangat 2 ramai homeless, eventhough tak ramai mcm selalu...semua bangsa ada..melayu, cina, india, foreigners sume ade..apa yg sangat2 sy kagumi adalah semangat volunteers yg ada malam tu..walaupon ada yg kerja and ada class the next day, they still wanted to distribute the items walaupon jam dah menunjukkan pukul 3.00 pagi. semangat dan komitmen yg ditunjukkan sgt2 membanggakan..i hope adik2 dr UiTM ni belajar utk buat program mcm ni n mampu untuk organize charity event and i believe they can do better than, bravo and kudos tu everyone of us that night..semoga Allah merahmati usaha kita untuk tolong golongan gelandangan, xkisahlah apa pon kisah di sebalik hidup mereka di jalanan tu..semoga usaha ni tak berakhir kat sini harap dpt buat lagi this kind of project..sapa tau tiba2 ada company nak sponsor sy buat program konon2 mcm #theblanketproject4gaza..haaaa gituuu..haha..takpelah..doakan kami berjaya dlm project2 kami yg seterusnya..aminnn..