Saturday, January 29, 2011

Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) Jasin, Melaka 2002-2003

          when i was in primary and secondary school..i was always amused by all those people and my own seniors who had the chance to go to MRSM..macam hebat sgt..nama pon gah kan that diam2..saya bercita-cita nak belajar kt MRSM gak walaupun rase mcm mustahil je nk masuk sekolah unbelievably mase bulan kedua kat form 4 Akas in SIGS, i received an offer letter from MARA..honestly, i was so proud that time dan sgt berkobar2 la nk masuk sekolah tu without knowing what was waiting for me in the future..macam banyak kesedihan compared to happiness..

          so basically kt MRSM ni ada 18 kelas..banyakkan ?? haha..kelas 401/501 sampai la 418/518..ade kelas sains, akaun, reka cipta ntah tak ingat saya masuk tingkatan 406 (2002) and 506 (2003)...class mates saye ade 24 org..i can still remember few names..Joe (Puan Farhana okeh..), Nana, Adeq, Na, Madihah, Nadia, Muna, Ain (now physiotherapist kt IJN), Pika, Muna, Pakteh, Syed, Abu, Syahmi, Razak and ramai lagi ni la dak2 kelas saya utk 2 tahun :)

2002 : this was my culture shock year sepanjang kt MRSM. never been apart from home, i was a bit lost here..i dont know why but slowly it feels like im losing the 'sparks' of my own brain..semua subject seemed to be so hard and tough..students there were like soo super-genius..and i started to develop this inferiority complex yg sgt self-esteem was at its lowest level..i dont wanna use those reasons as my excuses but seriously my academic performance was like bullshit..time paling sedih was addmaths..i even cried in  class when my addmaths teacher that time came to my table just to explain apa yg dia da ajar coz i was like so lambat pick up as my classmates sume da paham apa yg dia ajar except for me..rasa mcm saya la student paling bodoh dlm class tu..sedih sgt2..tak kira lagi class chemistry, biology and physics..mcm nk call mak, suruh amek amek bawak balik JB..
tu pasal academic..then bout my 'personal' life..hmm...this part was so confusing..not just to myself..but to the people kt sekeliling saya.. i dont know whether i should put this in my blog or not..or maybe some other time..

2003 : so this was the year i sat for my SPM..well i can say that 2003 was much better than 2002..da tau how to managed my own life da kot..i can still remember my juniors yg susah btol saya nak lupa dlu..they were fiza and mira (who looks like rudy from kumpulan kristal..haha)..ok pasal academic.. i was still quite weak but takla rase suxx sgt..i didnt expect to get good grade for my SPM..trial SPM pon stakat 1A je i can still remember this old friend of mine named YAYA from 510 kot..a week before SPM (time bulan puase) baru saya tahu apa yg saya tak pernah tahu pasal kimia..form 4 punya subject weiii....baru nk belajar seminggu sebelum chem YAYA dgn sabarnye ajar saya semua basic chemistry tu..alhamdulillah..saya dapat jawab paper chem and other papers dgn tenang walaupon tak tau jawapan betul ke salah..

          so SPM 2003 tu syukurlah coz walaupon saya tak expect dapat more than 3A alhamdulillah saya dapat 6A1, 2A2 and 2B3..bolehla... actually kecewa tp at least more than my expectation..ok la tu.. ade rumusan sket la drpd citer ni :

  •  terima kaseh byk2 kat KAK NGAH yang sanggup datang ajar addmath depan hostel almost every 2 weeks. time tu dia blaja kat matrix johor...thanx a lot :)
  • time kaseh YAYA
  • time kaseh NANA and ADEQ yang tolong ajar pape yg saya tak paham
i really appreciate you people :))

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sek Men Keb (P) Sultan Ibrahim (SIGS), JB 1999-2001

          After habis darjah 6, saya masuk la plak SIGS ni untuk 3 tahun..okeh..i loikee dis school sebab dia ala-ala high school yg pemes memes SIGS ni ada kelas (RK) Akas, (RK) Bijak, Akas, Bijak, Cerdik, Daras, Enga and Fatan..RK stands for rancangan bukan kelas utk students OKU seperti yang anda fikirkan cream class tau ~

1999 : Officially, I was a student of class 1 (RK) A..fuhh..macam glamour2 je dak2 sini..this was the year I got my nickname 'COKE' by my ex-classmates..if i'm not mistaken, Elisya and Safiah (kot name dia) yang gave me this name..maka I've been using this name for about 12 years now..demmm..haha..ok so lots of people asked me; why COKE? so actually, masa tu bulan puasa and muslim students were not allowed to go to canteen or go to the mesin 'gedegang' (or vendor machine) saya  ni as a new student there, dengan macho-gagah-perkasa-lagi-beraninye pegi jugak beli air kt vendor machine tu..kebetulan lak..time tu 1 tin air ramai la pesan nk beli air tu..i'm not sure my classmates puase ke saya pon beli la sampai 12-15 tin for 1 trip to that's how i got my name :)

2000 : saya masuk form 2 (RK) A. this year I joined school trip gi langkawi and penang..owh awesome!! konon2 cam gerek habesla time tu..haha..this year saya kenal dgn few seniors yg 2 years older than my batch; kak hamidah, kak hidayah, kak hasnida, kak azimah and sorg lagi x ingat la..i dont know why but i found lepaking with kak midah mase kt sekolah was so fun sampai boleh ponteng kelas sehari suntuk..haha..then i was so closed with this senior name kak dilla husin..dia sgt baek okeh walaupon ramai rasa dia ni cm garangz gitu...mane tah kak dilla ni now

2001 : i was in 3 (RK) A this year..ade exam penting : PMR okeh..tahun ni i was like so malas in class..sampai cikgu sains da tatau nak watpe coz my exercise book kosong gile tak pernah buat pape..mcm tak penah teringat yg die soh wt homework..haha..sume class pon saye ponteng except..jeng jeng jeng.. MATHEMATICS CLASS BY MISS LOW BENG la cekgu paling best 1 dunia penah ade..dia ni strict snanye dia sgt2 la kira sayang habis la kt dia ni..eventho dia akan bjalan 1 sekolah sambil bawak rotan..adeiii..haha
          So tahun ni amek PMR and alhamdulillah dapat 8A..sebok2 la isi borang MRSM sebab sume org pon nak masuk MRSM la..asrama penuh la..x penuh sgt la..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

terima kaseh Dulcolax~

semalam housemate saya diarrhea and vomiting..
tengok dia cam best je dapat buang air besar senang2..
so malam tadi saya pon makan la dulcolax sebiji dengan harapan dapat buang air mlm tu gak..
sekali tak buang2 gak..
bangun je pagi ni nak gi kelas..perot rase laen macam je..
sudahnye asek berak2 je pagi ni...
ala..sala timing la...

Dewi Nadia Alias??

          Dewi Nadia..hurmm sounds familiar..ok..she used to sit in front of me in class when we were in standard 5, back in well..I can't remember much about her..yang saye ingat..dia kecik2..pakai specs..friendly..and slalu bercerita bout her family to me..

          So few weeks ago,i came across about a lady abused her stepdaughter sampai mati dgn 73 kesan dera in a newspaper..tapi tak brapa nk bace sgtla nama suspek tu..last week,i bought a paper and tibe2 terasa la nak baca psl kes tu..nama suspect tu dewi nadia..umur 25 (ok..same wit me..) and she's from JB!!

          OMG...apakah...adakah..sapakah...i asked a few friend of mine and they told me it was her..gosh...hurmm..condolences for Aquilla (the baby's biological mum) and her family..well we are not suppose to judge Dewi Nadia for this because kita semua tak tau cerita yg sebenar kan..however I hope we can learn something from this case.. sigh~

Monday, January 24, 2011

thank u people :)

finally after few hours blog ni lahir..
saye da berjaya memakse few people to be my follower..
sorry manyak2..n thanx a lot..
lebiu people..

SRK IJ Convent JB 1993-1998

Seelamaat sejahtraaa cikguuuuu…
          Fuhh..kalo la saye yang jd cikgu time dulu2..boleh tercabut kot usus nak tunggu dak2 ni habis bagi ucap selamat…k la cukup2 la mukadimah..
          1993 : saye start sekolah kat SRK IJ Convent JB; darjah 1Delima..kira ada 5 kelas la dlu.. Delima, Emas, Nilam, Zamrud, Intan..bangga habes la masuk kelas delima ni..first class la konon2nye..dlm class tu if I'm not mistaken ade Joanna Choong, Valene See, Hashvina. Iman, Tengku Aminah and ramai lagi la…cikgu kelas name Puan Anida..
          Tak brapa ingat sangat la zaman2 ni but benda yang paling tak boleh lupa was the time kitorg kene gosok gigi lepas waktu ade la sorg budak ni name Nadia Zulkifli..dia sebok la nk mengacau time org tgh gosok gigi..budak2 an..mane tahan rasa pedas (mint) toothpaste tu..I was about to spit air yang digargle dgn ubat gigi tu n si Nadia ni tayang muka kt depan sink.. ape lagi..amek ko..saye pon dgn tak sengajanye ter’splash’ kan air kumur tu kt muka die..ushh cuak gile la tp naseb la Nadia tu kental budaknye..takde nk Nadia..if u are reading this..saye nak mintak mahap ok..haha..
          1994 : masuk darjah 2 Delima, then 3 Delima, 4 delima (cikgu clas Pn Wong kot name die), 5 Delima and finally tahun 1998 kat darjah 6Delima..
          Ok..I’m like so lifeless mase darjah 6..nak UPSR..and my mum was a teacher in SMK Convent,JB..kira bjiran je sebagai anak cikgu yg sgt garang pada zaman2 perkhidmatannye…I was forced to do a lot of revision..reading..tulis karangan..hafal segala macam fakta..and my mum akan bawak balik sebeban contoh karangan students dia in form 1 or form 2(mostly chinese) yang mmg unbelievably sangat hebat..lagi hebat compared to Malay students..hasilnye..I was so good in karangan (which I think is above the level of standard 6 punye students) timekaseh banyak2 mak for forcing me to write karangan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday..besides writing very good karangan.. I think I can speak a very skema BM sampai sekarang :) 
          Well I think I wasn't really a trouble maker when I was in primary school..and alhamdulillah saye dapat 5A utk UPSR’98..thanx mum and teachers…ok la..tu je la kot cerita utk sekola rendah saye..


fuhh...lepas nak kat 2 jam aku dok pusing2 tempat yang same..lepas kena marah dgn nutz sebab nak tanye dia pasal blog masa dia tgh dating..raso2 eh da ok la kot...aishhh..sabo je la...susah nak berblog kalo buta IT ni..huahua..ok la..penat..skang bole rehatkan otak sket..tatatititutu

aku kompiusss

nutz..tolong..aku da kompius pening la wat blog ni..dushhh