Monday, January 24, 2011

SRK IJ Convent JB 1993-1998

Seelamaat sejahtraaa cikguuuuu…
          Fuhh..kalo la saye yang jd cikgu time dulu2..boleh tercabut kot usus nak tunggu dak2 ni habis bagi ucap selamat…k la cukup2 la mukadimah..
          1993 : saye start sekolah kat SRK IJ Convent JB; darjah 1Delima..kira ada 5 kelas la dlu.. Delima, Emas, Nilam, Zamrud, Intan..bangga habes la masuk kelas delima ni..first class la konon2nye..dlm class tu if I'm not mistaken ade Joanna Choong, Valene See, Hashvina. Iman, Tengku Aminah and ramai lagi la…cikgu kelas name Puan Anida..
          Tak brapa ingat sangat la zaman2 ni but benda yang paling tak boleh lupa was the time kitorg kene gosok gigi lepas waktu ade la sorg budak ni name Nadia Zulkifli..dia sebok la nk mengacau time org tgh gosok gigi..budak2 an..mane tahan rasa pedas (mint) toothpaste tu..I was about to spit air yang digargle dgn ubat gigi tu n si Nadia ni tayang muka kt depan sink.. ape lagi..amek ko..saye pon dgn tak sengajanye ter’splash’ kan air kumur tu kt muka die..ushh cuak gile la tp naseb la Nadia tu kental budaknye..takde nk Nadia..if u are reading this..saye nak mintak mahap ok..haha..
          1994 : masuk darjah 2 Delima, then 3 Delima, 4 delima (cikgu clas Pn Wong kot name die), 5 Delima and finally tahun 1998 kat darjah 6Delima..
          Ok..I’m like so lifeless mase darjah 6..nak UPSR..and my mum was a teacher in SMK Convent,JB..kira bjiran je sebagai anak cikgu yg sgt garang pada zaman2 perkhidmatannye…I was forced to do a lot of revision..reading..tulis karangan..hafal segala macam fakta..and my mum akan bawak balik sebeban contoh karangan students dia in form 1 or form 2(mostly chinese) yang mmg unbelievably sangat hebat..lagi hebat compared to Malay students..hasilnye..I was so good in karangan (which I think is above the level of standard 6 punye students) timekaseh banyak2 mak for forcing me to write karangan every Monday, Wednesday and Friday..besides writing very good karangan.. I think I can speak a very skema BM sampai sekarang :) 
          Well I think I wasn't really a trouble maker when I was in primary school..and alhamdulillah saye dapat 5A utk UPSR’98..thanx mum and teachers…ok la..tu je la kot cerita utk sekola rendah saye..

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